First programming language ?? Choosing a first programming language is not a big deal, probably not after reading this blog. The language you choose first is of uttermost importance as this is the language from which you will be going to learn coding which is a whole new thing for you. Weather you learn it as a hobby or career prospectus it is going to be an important skill to develop. If you are novice it can be difficult to know exactly where to stat what art. Probably you have asked your friends about this and so many questions are poping in your head. I want you to make clear th i am saying is based on my present knowledge and skills of languages that i learn. Before going to final result let's take a look at various languages. Various high level languages available in the market are: C C++ C#(C sharp) java javascript PHP Python Ruby Haskell SQL 1. C C is the first high level language developed by Dennis Ritchie at Bell laboratory USA. It is very power...
know, how-to and why